Thanks...I have a clotting disorder and have had several Pulmonary Embolisms...I have to be on the Warafin for life and am only taken off it for the day of my surgery. I was told that one of the major complications from reconstruction was bleeds, even for women that aren't on blood thinners. Most research I have done shows I am not a candidate. I ran into a woman today who is on Tamoxifen and says she doesn't feel so bad, so I guess I will give the Arimidex another thought. This may sound wierd, but even though I know I have breast cancer, I have never felt like I have breast cancer. I know taking the Arimidex and having my ovaries out is important, but I am kinda living my life and relatively "unaffected" by it all. Is the risk of a reoccurrence that high? My sister had her breast cancer at 32 and she is now 43 without any sign of a return. Maybe I am not taking this as seriously as I should, but I feel fine.