This morning the weather was absolutely terrific. The night had been chilly enough that waking up in a painless position, laying on the 320 tc sheets, (I'm a sheet snob.), and just warm enough under the quilt, I thought, "Why get up?".
I entertained thoughts of going down to the quilt store but didn't really want to drive so I decided to use my rotary cutter to cut out some quilt pieces. Big mistake. Should have stayed in bed or gone to the quilt store.
Those ladies that have been here since last year may well remember how I sliced open my left index finger with my rotary cutter. I went and bought guards for my rulers.
And those that can remember back to 2000, may also remember how I cut that same finger using a bagel cutter, the purpose of which is to not cut yourself.
Well, today I sliced that same finger, only this time it was much worse. I sorta just looked at it when it started bleeding everywhere and I ran into the bathroom for a cloth to put pressure on it. Didn't help much and I knew I'd have to go to the hospital. I am a chicken when it comes to blood and almost passed out at the mere thought of having stitches. I even tried my trusty butterfly bandages but they failed me.
I threw my clothes on and then realized I couldn't go through any of this without coffee. I filled up my biggest thermo-mug and then fell up against it and the whole thing splashed all over my kitchen. I threw a towel over it and left.
The drs and nurses were really nice in ER. Unfortunately, my b/p was 210/98 and they were more worried about that than my finger. They couldn't understand how the mere thought of stitches terrified me. I had even taken a Valium before I left home and it wasn't working.
The nurse came in and asked me a question I had avoided answering in a long, long time. I wasn't pleased when she asked me the dreaded, "How long has it been since you last had a tetnus shot?" I could tell from her face that she didn't like my answer of, "Oh, 34-35 years". I didn't like the look of her face when she said, "That record ends today".
I was actually shocked when they determined that the slice of the finger, though extensive, could be glued in place and not stitched. Glued? When did this start? I thought he was joking until he came back with the glue. It started bleeding this evening but I'm ready for another pain pill and heading back to the bed.
Oh, since the hospital was further south of me than the quilt store, I went where I should have gone first thing in the morning. I still had that stupid orange hospital bracelet on and the ladies wanted to know what was up. I explained what happened and they voted the me the "most persistant quilter". I also inquired about an item I had only heard of and found out it really does exist. It is a chain mail glove so you don't cut yourself. You can be sure I ordered one today and hope it comes in soon.
I was wondering if it was okay to post some of the goings-on in teenytinytown. It's been really interesting around here for some time. And another one for those who can remember, fire ants. I swear to God some of them hitched a ride on my Ryder truck and came here to start trouble.
As for the moral of this story, there is none. Stupid is as stupid does and I proved it.
Love, Jo-Ann