I realize this forum is for ladies with breast cancer and I'm so sorry for intruding. I have some questions and I don't know where else to turn. For the last few weeks I have been having pain in my right breast, the kind that stops you in your tracks and within the last week it is now larger than the left side and feels hot. I noticed that I have some sort of red spot as well, but I'm not sure where it could have came from, and I thought it was a sore but I have had it since the week before Thanksgiving and it is still there.
I'm almost 39 and a couple of months ago, I actually bought bra's that were a cup size smaller for the first time since my oldest (17 years) was born, (sorry for TMI) and now the right one will hardly fit. I know its normal to have pain etc, but now I'm starting to get worried.
I've had a mamogram in the past and it was fine just a calicfication of some kind. I don't want to sound like a hypochondriac and run to the gp, she always makes me sound like I'm over reacting, but I'm wondering if anyone has ever had anything like this??
Thank you so much!