Do doctor's offices deliberately hire stupid people to man the phones? About a year ago, I talked to the doctor about a spot on my arm that I was concerned about. A white spot (sun damage) that was developing a dark moon shoped are of pigmentation around it. I was concerned about the dark spot, and he said he would be more inclined to worry about the white spot, but at that time, he wasn't really worried about it at all. He told me to watch it, and if it turned red, raised, etc..., to let him know. Well, on Brianna's birthday I stabbed myself in the arm with butcher knife, which is another story, and as I was staunching the bloodflow, I noticed that the dark spot on my arm had a little red spot on it. I decided I would watch it as the cut healed and see what happened. The cut is healed now, but the spot on my arm has grown to about pea sized and is a hard lump. Doesn't hurt, doesn't itch, doesn't bleed, either.
I was supposed to see my oncologist today, so I was going to ask her about it, but my appointment got cancelled, so I called my PCP's office, told them the whole friggin' story, and then told her that I thought it was a spot of skin cancer. She waits a minute, then says, "so you want me to put down here, 'possible skin cancer?' Or do you want me to put down that you have a skin problem?"
I said, "I want you to put down 'possible skin cancer.'" She says, ", let's see....we can get you in on DECEMBER 28th!"
So. My onc is rescheduled for December 7, and you can bet I will keep my DECEMBER 28 appointment for my PCP, but NOT to look at my arm, because that will have already been taken care of, thank you very much. We're gonna be talkin' about him staff people...AGAIN.
In the meantime, I think I'm going to take a picture of the darned arm, email it to my doctor, and tell him to please call me if he thinks he might like to see it up close and personal before friggin' DECEMBER 28!
Thanks for listening! I feel better already. I swear, if I didn't love him so much and if he hadn't saved my life on more than one occasion, I'd leave the man in a heartbeat! I've threatened to leave him more than once, but he always sweet-talks me into staying. You'd almost think we were married, wouldn't you? LOL
Love and hugs...