I couldn't tolerate Arimidex - allover pain to horrible. I suffered through Femara for 10 months until life just wasn't worth living, getting up crying with pain every morning despite tramadol, Vicodin, Neurontin and sulindac. I tried a 3 week "vacation" without any diminution of the pain. Doc said try Aromasin since I have all my parts and a family history of stroke and have had a heart attack, so Tamoxifen not a great choice.
Maybe I should have stopped the Femara for a few days before starting the Aromasin? After only 5 days on it I couldn't move my hands and fingers because they were locked up, until an hour after my morning pain meds. So I have stopped it. It's been a week and the pain is only marginally less, just barely noticeable.
Is there any hope? Should I stay off a month and then start the Aromasin again? That's what I'm thinking of right now. But if starting up again makes the hand pain worse I'll need help just to take pain meds!
I only had a 1cm IDC. Node neg. No chemo - oncotype 7. Radiation gave me axillary cording. The treatment seems worse than the disease!