I'm coming up for air just for a minute. wanted to post and say hi. I'm glad Luci's home, was lurking a little and keeping tabs. Glad the new sisters are getting the attention they need. I got a nice message from Denise, I'm glad she's on the computer. I'll be back after the 24th for real. I'm at the computer for like ten to twelve hours a day, ignoring my family, or trying to, writing and correcting this thing. try to ignore a 4-year old! It's breaking my heart! He's really feeling it, but I can't help it. My deadline is so so so fast approaching and it has to be PERFECT. I need to move the computer out of his sight, into DH's office, to be out of mind a little, and not in front of him ignoring him but haven't yet. I keep thinking I can take little breaks and cuddle, so far it's ok, but I may have to in the next week, because if I'm interupted, it takes time to get back into it. It's the wire of wires! I kept extending that wire but now, get this, if I don't defend by the 26th, I can't get the PH.D and all of my credits are wasted. My defense is scheduled for, the 24th. Nothing like a deadline.
Well, it's back to work. Later Ladies. Always praying for you, you know!