Having this kind of knowledge when you walk in there is good for the doctor who's treating you. They like to get into diagnostic conversations about options, unless they have an ego problem. You should be able to have these kind of conversations with him without his thinking you're telling him his business. If you start feeling like that, remember it's his problem.
I did the needle biopsy, but it was really fast and surprising, because I was going for a second opinion on a lump that was coming up normal on a mammogram. I went to a breast surgeon for the second opinion, being the medical snob I tend to be. I got what I asked for! He did everything right there sonogram, biopsied it, made me wait for the results a couple of hours, and then told me. He was leaving for Japan the next day and the New York Blackout had happened the three days prior, so he was fitting me in, and did everything so I could know what I had in case I wanted to go to someone else in his absence. Even though you never know when the moment will happen when it will metastacize, I waited for him to return to remove the lump. Luckily, it didn't metastacize.
I thought the needle was perfect, never thought about it possibly not hitting the spot, never occurred to me. I've heard of other cancers being tiny spots all over, that would be hard to get a needle to, I'd guess. An informed conversation is the best!!!