and am feeling much better today. Of course, your posts helped a lot. Thank you for rescuing me from my pity party. So here's the latest....
I had the u/s yesterday, so 50% of this round of tests is over. Glad for that.
Then I went to pick up the barium (banana-flavored, thank you) for Monday's test. They tell me the whole CT scan will take about half an hour. I guess I can stand that, right??
Yesterday, I also got a flu shot finally. I asked the dr. about it on Thurs; he wanted to know why I didn't get one sooner. Well, I'm not 65 yrs. old for starters. I know they've lowered the age to 50 now, so off DH and I toddled to get "stuck". We're going back to New York on the 27th of this month. DH's father is going to be 90 yrs. old and the family has planned a celebration lunch. 90 years old, yikes, what a milestone. NY has had rampant flu all over the state so I'm glad we were able to get the flu shots before leaving.
And my final news flash: ALL of the above was done yesterday IN THE SNOW. Can you believe it?? It snowed up here in our hills and downtown in LV. Of course, it disappeared in a couple of hours, but I recognized those little flakes drifting down on to my windshield in about a nanosecond. DH kept saying 'no' but I haven't ever seen white rain except in a shampoo bottle. It was kind of pretty, but I'll admire it from a far. Just an hour and a half away from here, Mt. Charleston (where NV skiing begins) has had 41" of snow in the last week.
I'll be watching for you all during the CT scan. I have to keep my hands above my head, so maybe we could all hold hands, okay?? Love you ALL, Luci