I have been trying self massage with a book (Lymphedema - A Breast Cancer Patient's Guide to Prevention and Healing by Jeannie Burt) since Xmas and have gotten some results, albeit not as good as the month of massage 3x/week and wrap with my therapist, but it'll do for now. The kiniseo tape I use mainly running in a vertical line from my left lower hip up under my armpit and over across my incision scar, or up the side of my body and across my upper back. Hard to explain. BUT it does work. The tape is like an adhesive ace-bandage, it flexes and the theory is that if you stretch and apply it, that when you relax it continues to stimulate your skin and helps with drainage. (ok, that was kinda confusing - sorry!) Here are a couple of sites that may help: ,
here is a short but good article:
Check it out... hope it helps!
ps- yes Di I olny keep mine on for a day...any more than that and it sticks too much, and hurts more when i rip it off (they key is to rip it quick!)...a little pain, but big benefit, IMO. ! ;-)