Hi - 27 years old - family history of BRCA in my mother premenopausally & ovarian in my maternal grandmother.
I recently was diagnosed with an apparent fibroadenoma. I wanted to share my pathology results to see if anyone could help interpret them. I'm wondering if I should trust what's been written. My breast surgeon warned about palpation guided biopsy sampling error and I worry that this has happened in my case. She has assured me that the pathology has identified the mass which makes sampling error not likely. Is that right? I know I should be more trusting.
Pathology: Portions of benign breast tissue focally showing stromal hyalinization with some changes suggestive of a fibroadenomatous type lesion. No evidence of malignancy.
What do you think?
Also, during my painful two month wait for official answers, I became severely anxious. Heavy sobbing, dry heaving, and laying around like a log. Maybe not even a week or so after finding my first lump, I started noticing a pain sensation in my upper back/shoulder. Now it's mostly my right shoulder. It's usually intermittent and not severe but it's become more noticeable now. What are the odds that I have been misdiagnosed at the breast clinic? Am I dealing with lung mets? I also have excessive phlegm coating my throat that can't be expelled. This all seems like lung cancer when I use the google. But the timing of this almost suggests that this could be related to my anxiety over the breast thing.
Am I really so unlucky to find a breast lump and get a benign diagnosis only to find that I had lung cancer/mets? Any ideas? I've also suffered with a chronic cough/tickle in my throat for at least 2 years. Never thought it could be anything serious since it had been stable for so long. It really wasn't a cough, more like a reflex. My throat was irritated so I coughed to sooth it. I don't know if it's a chronic cough in the way they suggest on lung cancer sites. But it's been going on for two years. Could lung cancer/mets sit in your body for that long with no other symptoms? I want this to be anxiety related but it's not going away... and all the symptoms seems to correspond with lung cancer.
Thank you for bearing with me! I'm just really scared and don't want to celebrate my benign breast situation if this pain continues!
God bless!