Posted 2/14/2012 10:42 AM (GMT 0)
I'm 51 and really scared! Had a mammogram call back for changes seen since last mammo. I go back for the repeat mammo tomorrow.
Had a CT scan which showed "enlarged, slightly modular uterus to 12 cm with a cyst on my left ovary. Also, a "probably benign" 1 cm indeterminate sclerotic focus in the T8 vertebral body, may be a bone island or related Schmorl's node type irregularity." It also noted "early lung base emphysema" and a "small non-obstructing kidney stone."
My fear is that this is breast cancer that has spread all over. My lymph nodes frequently feel enlarged and are a uncomfortable from time to time (underarms, left breast and neck).
25 yrs ago I had a needle biopsy for some fiber type cysts of my left breast. They said it was benign. 20 years ago I had to have my right ovary removed due to a very large cyst (orange sized). It was benign. Also, a cone biopsy for some per-cancerous cells. Paps have been fine ever since. most recent 1 month ago.
Again, I am really scared. Waiting for information from the dr's is driving me crazy. Dr. wants me to go in for a colon endoscopy as I've had some blood in my stool (most likely due to a first time hemorrhoid that was discovered.)
It this too much or too coincidental? Is it painting a picture of someone with late stage cancer that has spread to many areas? Am I simply jumping to conclusions?
Please, someone tell me if you have a gut level feeling about this. Please!
Thanks, and sorry to be a so long winded and such a baby.