The treatments are not as awful as people think, they should give you meds to control the nausea (zofran worked best for me, others like kytril) so you should NOT have any 'break thru nausea' (actually throwing up). I did work part-time throught chemo and rads, because it was a part of my routine that kept me feeling 'normal' and not like a cancer patient. The treatments are cumulative, meaning by the last one i was quite tired and feeling like a
, but mentally you KNOW it's the last one, so that helps in getting over it more quickly. I had 3 rounds of AC and 3 rounds of FEC, then 4 rounds of taxotere, and herceptin (weekly infusions) for one year, so my chemo phase was longer than average. But you can do it too, just make the decision that you're going to get thru it... that they are giving you all these drugs to make you better, and the time will slide by. Then you'll be recovering, getting stronger, and knowing you got thru it.
good luck!
many hugs