Has anyone found a lump that turned out to be a swollen lymphnode due to an infection of some sort?
What was done to test for the infection?
What was the infection?
Did they treat it?
How long did it take to go away?
I have a breast lump (recent scans show I have two lumps now) And they think it's due to an infection of some sort. But because I'm now pregnant, Thanks to my GP not telling me she felt a lump when I went in with breast pain, and told us to carry on trying for a baby that it's all down to my odd periods (I have about 3-4 a year) They just won't do any more tests. I had 2 biopsy, the 2nd biopsy came out in a cyst a month or so after having the biopsy. And then started leaking what looked like foundation everywhere after the green stuff was removed by my gp. I then found out I had two lumps ,
I'm due to go back for another scan this week.
And I have a million questions that they NEVER answer straight. I'm worried about the type of infection, effects on the baby, will I be able to breastfeed?!
I've already buried a child, I fear this will cause me to lose another. :(