I am scheduled to begin that on June 22nd. He will sew the skin around to make the nipples? The nurse told me to expect them to be too big as they will be swollen and will shrink and then I will need a tattoo. Gosh, it's much easier just being born with them, isn't it? How many of you have done this? Does it hurt? Also, is it worth the trouble? I think my DH wants me to do this as I will finally look normal - not for him, but for MY self-esteem. He just wants me alive but he knows that I have self-esteem issues with the way my chest has looked since my first cancer in 1996. Not that anyone else has seen it, but I know, ya know what I mean?
Also, the issue is how long do I have to worry about them looking wierd? I will be going to the beach July 16-23 and the cruise from July 23-30. Will I be having to worry about a bathing suit? If so, I'm changing the date for nipple construction until after the cruise.... I know I need to talk to the doctor about this but I wanted to hear the truth about healing time from some veterans!!! You understand, I'm sure. My onc told me that Tamoxifen wouldn't make me gain weight and well, I DID!!!!!! These men don't have to go thru this so they don't always know....
Please advise!!!! Thanks, you guys!!!