Posted 1/28/2013 7:05 PM (GMT 0)
So, following a sterotactic biopsy on Jan. 8 for a new tiny microcalcification found on a routine screening,the pathology report was not cancer but fragments of "probable sclerosing papilloma" and some atypical cells. The doctors recommend lumpectomy. The doctors also said that the papilloma may have a 1 to 3 % chance of being cancer or DCIS and that is why they want to remove everything around the marker left by the biopsy. I am 55 years old and in otherwise good health, no surgeries or symptoms. I feel I am being rushed into this. Is lumpectomy standard for papillomas? First, they had me nearly losing my mind over worry about microcalfications, now this! If surgery is standard, how do I find a great breast surgeon? I am really feeling overwhelmed by all of this and appreciate feedback. Thank you!