Hi Donna! I am currently on herceptin along w/ navelbine. I have been getting weekly treatments since Nov, 2003. It has done a great job so far for me. I was in one of the original clinical trials in 2001 but I didn't get into the arm that had the herceptin. If I were you, I would talk w/ my onco again and ask him to see how he could word it so that your insurance would cover the cost. It would be well worth it. The side effects of the herceptin are very minimal. No real hair loss as with the a/c. No neuropathy as far as I can tell. (the navelbine has that wonderful side effect) about the only bad side effect would be muscle spasms. In other words, it is an "easy" chemo! You will have to have mugga tests for your heart every 3 or 4 months as some of the past side effects from the clinical trial were heart damage. My tests have all been fine.
If I can answer any other questions, please feel free to ask.