Molly: You have received some great advice from the ladies. Each of has been right where you are now and understand how nervous and scared you are. Just take a deep breath and try and relax. Let those kids keep your mind occupied. My granddaughters kept me so busy that I would be able to go for hours w/out worrying.
Keep a tablet close and write down any and all questions that you think of. No matter how small or silly the question seems. Then take them w/ you to your appointment and get your dr to answer them. As Jo-Ann said, it is always good to take a friend or family member w/ you as well as a tape recorder. As you discovered, you don't remember very much of what was told to you. You can also call and ask for an appt w/ your dr before 9-1 and get your questions answered.
Try and keep busy. Watch good, funny shows/movies that will make you laugh. Laughter is a great stress reliever.
Hang in there. Sept 1 will be here before you know it.