OK, finally got some response from some of the jobs I applied for. One organization in Maine wants to meet with me for one of two positions. I want one but may not quite be qualified for it. I have some stuff going for me, however. I may need to take the other with eyes on the one if I don't get the one. Looks like I'm going to Maine to check it out.
DH balked. He is resistant, wants me to wait until November to check it out, but this would be a good move. He's scared. I'd be moving there with Matthew for a few months to check out how I like it, then get the summer off, come home and we'd talk about moving there for good. First position's an associate director of an inpatient facility. The other's a school psychologist position, so I would have school hours. It's more money, I may be able to get my loans paid off over and above.
I need to go there and talk about it some more with them.
Real estate is phenomenal there, from what I was told.
Looks like the mustang would be really really dumb to hang on to, though.
Oy! DH! He's wimping out on me!