update- saw my Mom on Mother's day, and I was not happy to see her laying in urine soaked clothes and sheets. I changes her and took her sheets and clothes to laundry mat to clean them. I complained to my other sister who visited that day briefly. I pretty much bad mouthed the sister (Pat) who takes care of our Mother.
So Suzy (other sister) got drunk one day and called Hospice and cursed them out and told them that my mother is pretty ,much living in complete disarray and called the landlord as well and stretched the truth to make it worse than it is. Because of this, Pat cut Suzy off all together and wont allow her to visit.
When Suzy sobered up, and realized what she did, she blamed me for what she did and showed Pat the texts messages from me, pretty much bad mouthing her. Now I am cut off.
I am literally sick over this. my mother has merely months left and Pat is telling me through text message that me and Suzy tried to throw our dying Mother on the streets with her and her two children. I did nothing but merely vent to Suzy about
the condition my Mother was in. In addition to that, i found out my 16 year old niece is the one who changes my Mothers adult under garments. Pat pretty much sits in her bed,smokes and talks to an online boyfriend.
She has the State on her side. She has Hospice on her side. They believe EVERYTHING she tells them, and pretty much paints a picture that poor her with two children are the only ones taking care of our Mother. Not mentioning that she withheld my Moms cancer from us all as well as her now terminal cancer which to this date STILL has not followed through with a second opinion after months of telling me she still has not got my mothers insurance information. She also was supposed to send me a copy of my Mothers diagnosis and she has been making up excused on why she "doesn't have " it yet.
She was also supposed to give me my Mother's Hospice information, their counselor number and volunteers, so I could keep up with my mother's condition, but she never gave me that either.
So here we are now. She told me that because of what me and Suzy did (meaning Suzy getting drunk and calling the lanlord and Hospice cursing them out) that they advise Pat to not tall to either of us or allow us to visit.
This is the most evil thing I can think of that a person could do. I was not the one who did it, and I even told Suzy NOT to call anyone on it, because it will get back to Pat. But apparently Suzy blames me for her doing it because she said "I kept complaining about
the condition my mother was in, and the obvious neglect" that it pushed her to do it."
I am Keeping away from Suzy, as she is extremely toxic. But that does not change the now. I need to seek a therapist, because this is killing me. I am barely in the right mind as it is with two jobs, barely any sleep, and extreme stress on having to find an apartment. Most importantly, the grief of My mother dying and Pat (sister) not allowing me yet AGAIN to see her.
None I call where they live will help me. She has them wrapped around her finger.
I am ready to be at peace with the last time I saw my Mother I told her how much I love her, even though she did not know who I was
. I gave her gifts and pictures in a frame of my and my daughter so she always knows I'm there with her.
For Pat to tell me she and her teenage kids are the only ones there for my Mother while she is dying, when she withheld her illness from us for so long, makes me absolutely ill to my stomach. and this is what she is telling the state. I dont know how i am going to fair with this