Hey guys,
Just wanted to update and let you know that I am having the "odd-looking" fibroadenoma taken out. My husband is leaving his job to come help run the two companies I own, so I figured rather than having to come up w/the cash every 6 mos. for who knows how long (for re-checks), I'd push to get it removed. Thankfully my doctor agreed. Now I just have to convince the surgeon of the same thing. He was the first "specialist" I saw who basically blew me off saying that it was a fluid-filled cyst, nothing to worry about, and to wait 6 mos. I am a tad bitter given that it came back solid (not fluid-filled) as it gave me a huge scare to discover what I had been told was not so. If he won't take it out, I'll find someone who will. Just to not have to think about it will be a relief for me. I am also having an u/s on both breasts to make sure there is nothing else "suspicious" that would need to be looked at more. After all this I will hopefully be good for a year!
I'll let you know what the u/s shows (it's tomorrow) and what the surgeon says. I keep all of you in my thoughts and, as always, thank you for giving me advice and helping me out!