I went to the surgeon yesterday to discuss removing the fibroadenoma. While there I asked for a copy of my path report and was surprised to see it did not mention anything about
cells. It said that the findings were "consistent w/fibroadenoma" but nothing more definite. Is this normal? I expected to see something like "stable cells, benign, fibroadenoma," (not necessarily those words, but close to it). During my exam the surgeon found another lump. At the u/s the breast health coordinator said "Oh it's just a fluid filled cyst." This of course annoyed me as I had just told her about
my aunt and how they had said the same thing to her. Just not words I want to hear unless they're absolutely sure. The fibro hasn't changed any--which is good--but it's still there. The surgeon said I could do one of three things: wait 4-6 mos., come back and do a recheck; do a mammatone; or have a lumpectomy. I'm leaning towards the lumpectomy--especially after the path report--but am still deciding. I pushed to have a mammo done, and am having a baseline digital mammo done this Fri. The doc did say that if anything suspicious showed up he wanted me back in right away.
I talked to my aunt about possibly having the BRCA testing done and although I couldn't tell if she wanted to or not, she at least seemed somewhat interested. I haven't heard back from the genetic counselor, although her voicemail said the best times to reach her were Tues. and a few other days (Monday was not one of them), so I'm hoping she calls me tomorrow.
I'll update again once I talk to the GC and have the mammo.