I had my ovaries out and a hysterectomy, leaving the cervix in. My bladder was fine, but I have pain with intercourse now. I think it's because I "excercized" the area too soon and created more scar tissue than I would have had DH and I not been inpatient. Lifting is no problem for me, and I'd think it wouldn't be for you after a LONG TIME of healing (and that means NO lifting for the directed period of time). However, I'm not that kind of doc, so this is not a medical doctor's opinion. Please ask yours.
Scar tissue has been a problem for me in my throat too when I talked too much too soon after surgeries, I lowered the chances of a full recovery. I think my voice would be more normal sounding and I would not have painful intercourse had I strictly followed surgeon's orders. Please learn from my mistakes. Scar tissue is irreversable.