This must sound hard to believe right now, but knowing what to procedure to expect takes away a good amount of the anxiety. Different people cope in different ways. I have a friend that went through her procedures with her head in the sand because denial was her defense mechanism. I, on the other hand, wanted to be told what was going to happen and what was being checked. The denial thing has drawbacks, like you don't acknowledge how in the dark you really are and when you don't acknowledge fear, it comes out in other ways. There really is no escaping from fear of cancer, better to acknowledge it and accept the support of loved ones while waiting. That friend of mine had a harder time than she needed to have had, I think.
Having said that, this is probably the worst time, the "waiting to see if you have cancer" time. I hope you don't have to join the club that no one wants to join, but please know that the treatments now are very good, and lots and lots of survivors have put this dark time behind them. Also know that this site is the absolute best for connecting and getting support.
You'll be in my prayers and let us know what happens.