A year ago today was my last chemo treatment. YIPPEE!!! Time sure flies! Life is so different in many ways - all good ones. I see things in a different light now and appreciate everything that much more. I am truly blessed to have you ladies as friends. You made my journey so much easier and for that I will be eternally grateful.
Life is busy with school and work. This class is harder than any class I've ever taken, but I will muddle through. I still am blaming chemo for my loss of brain cells. LOL
I have recovered nicely from the TRAM flap. I see the PS on May 9th for a follow up and probably schedule the nipple and lift/reduction on the other side. My slow healing wound is finally almost closed. I am so happy I went through with this. I am absolutely LOVING my flat tummy!
I had a follow up with the rads onc last week and he said I don't need to see him for 6 months. I see the onc next month (still on a 3 month schedule with him). So far so good.
Well, that's my update. I will try to post more often.