Thank you so much for ladies for the information. I have researched about
all the "medical" aspects of the procedure, just haven't "talked" to many people who actually have had it done. I am fortunate the Military provides and pays for the packing, moving, etc., so I will just have to contain my natural instinct to do as much as I can!
I just hope this information will be put to good use. I've had some pain in the rib area of the Mastectomy side, which I have attributed it to Radiation, surgery, etc. I just had a CT/chest X-ray in the ER 2/06 for a breathing complication from nitrus used during oral surgery, and everything was fine.
I just had a bone scan on Friday at the request on my Onc due to "point" tenderness in my rt rib he noticed during my exam. Needless to say I am anxiously waiting for a call with the results. I've had shin/knee bone/muscle tenderness since before my diagnosis of BC, had PET and everything was clear at that time. My Onc now things I also have Fibromyalgia, which really is a problem for me, as I am the "do everything, high energy, exercise" girl. Now it's hard to even find the motivation to clean house, exercise, etc., which isn't helping the 35lbs I gained during treatment! I keep telling myself that we will deal with whatever happens, but I'm terrified of the thought of mets. I have a 15 year old daughter who is very close with me and needs me (and a 19 year old son in college, who has found it easier to distance himself). I know there are so many of us with children, and young children who are in the same boat.
Well, thanks again, it's hard for me to open up like this as I am the "strong positive one" who takes care and supports everyone else!
Oh.... and to gma- I was born in Dayton, moved to Bay Village (east side of Cleveland) when I was 2, went to Univ of Toledo at 18 (1979), married at 22 in 1983 and lived in West Palm Beach Fla for 9 months then moved to Columbus OH (Westerville actually) and stayed there until my son graduated in 2005 (still trying to sell my house...double house payments...OH JOY!. I divorced in 2000 ( couldn't compete with the 20 year old secretary who reminded my husband so much of me!!!), remarried a wonderful man in 2004, who I have known for 30 years, and a friend of my ex husbands family.....I never seem to take the easy route!!!LOL. His sister was my best friend who died of BC at age 47 in 2003. Due to joint custody rules, I comuted every 2 weeks from 2004-2005 when my son graduated and my ex husband relented and let my daughter come to Texas with me. (Ohio has one of the most strict relocation laws)! That's only part of my most of us I could write a book!!!LOL
Take care to all, good luck to all, and love to all.......Nancy