Hi, all. Getting ready to head out to Missouri for a long weekend to see my mom (step-mom, for those of you who know me, but I claim her as my "second mom"). She has not been well recently. Had an angioplasty on her renal artery...stenosis was causing her blood pressure to go crazy. I'm hoping to find her in excellent health by now, but she was very stressed by the whole thing.
An extended family reunion is planned for Saturday, and if those of you who know me can imagine it, a churchgoing event is scheduled for the evening.
I've been thinking about Cathi a lot lately...how is our girl doing, anyway? Been awhile since we've had an update.
Alll my recent scans and tests have gone well...Ellen, I still haven't scheduled that darned appointment! Have you??? My brother's PSA has recently started elevating, which is disturbing, but doctors say it is okay for now. Hoping that trend reverses or stabilizes soon, or we may be in trouble again.
Anyway, hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July.
May fireworks ever thrill you,