Judie- Yes, your individual treatment plan will vary. I was dx in Feb. 2001 with Stage IIB, er-/pr- her2neu 3+++, 5 nodes of 49 positive. We decided on 3 A/C + 3 FEC + 4 Taxotere + Herceptin for one year. The A/C and FEC treatments were every 3 weeks I think, and the taxotere was every 2 wks (honestly I could be wrong about that).... after the taxotere I did 33 rounds of radiation with a low-dose chemo (cant remember what that was), and finished Herceptin in july 02. I wanted any and all chemo they could give me, I didn't care at all how bad I felt because I knew it would pass. At the time my kids were 2, 4 and 6 ! Now they are 12, 9 and 8.... so to me it was well worth it... I just had to get to that 5-yr mark.. now that I have passed it, we'll see how much more time I get!!! ;-) Good Luck!
hugs- Stefanie