This bites! First, I hear about the joint aches with the arimidex I've been taking and can easily attribute my recent rise in discomfort and worsened utility of my knees to that drug, and now this. I just got a jacuzzi, and now I'm worried. Has anyone heard that hot tubs actually contribute to developing lymphodema? I hope not.
Re: lymphodema: I'm very lucky so far, knock wood. I don't take chances, though. I got a medical alert bracelet made. It's pretty one, I used my anniversary as an excuse for my DH to get me a gold one. It wasn't that expensive, either. You can ask a jewler aout how much it would cost, but you can, of course, get a silver one too. I had "no sticks right arm" written on it, along with my other requirement in an emergency. It was a really tight fit, but the guy did it really well. I have crappy veins in my left arm. Unfortunately, if you don't actually have lymphadema they aren't likely to make special arrangements since they probably don't think avoiding the arm is "necessary" when your life is at stake (and I guess neither should I, LOL). Many professionals in this field think when a few nodes were done, it's not really a risk and will try to use the best arm with routine sticks, too. We seem to be the ones who safeguard more than the nurses, phlebotomists and docs about this. At least that's been my experience.
The bracelet with the request about the sticks is a good reminder for myself to insist on then using my right arm It's got a rope chain and a feminine looking plate. They make all sorts of them now, not just the bulky "ID" type of bracelets. The jewlers have a big book from their main wholesale company. Ask a jewler if you can see the book for the medical bracelets (if you've used them before, maybe you can get a price close to cost, since you're getting it for such a reason and you're looking right at the wholesale cost in the book with the jewler. opens up all sorts of possibilities). It may also come in 10k. The red has wiped off of mine after a year, but the symbol was engraved, so it's visible. I'll probably get some oil-based paint and fill it back in with a super-thin brush, though. I think they look for the red. It is an eye catcher. Electroplating really doesn't stay on.
Just another suggestion. I figure any help to remember to take care of this prophalactlly is a good thing.
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