Hi! I am a Doctoral Candidate at Fordham University and I am completing my dissertation on the experience of being a daughter of a woman with breast cancer. I received permission from Peter Waite to post this message in an effort to recruit participants for my study. I am currently in the process of collecting data, but I still need a few more people to reach my goal. Below is a descript ion of my study including the eligibility criteria and directions for participation. If you or someone you know is eligible, please feel free to click on the link or contact me. Thanks for your help and be well!!!
The purpose of this study is to explore how the mother-daughter relationship impacts the way in which the daughter copes with her mother's breast cancer. Additionally, I am interested in how the mother-daughter relationship and the daughter's coping style influences the daughter's emotional reaction to the diagnosis/treatment/etc. The results of this study will help to develop interventions to improve the daughter's adjustment to this potential stressor and her adherence to screening recommendations.
To participate in this study if:
¨ You must be an adult daughter (18 or older) of a woman with breast cancer.
¨ Your mother must have been diagnosed no more than 1 year ago and is living.
Participation will take 30-45 minutes and involves completing several surveys over the internet or by mail. All information will be confidential. A donation of $1 will be donated to a breast cancer organization for every woman who participates.
To participate, please contact:
Jodi Potere at (201) 248-7361 or
[email protected]
click on the link below:
http://www.surveym o nkey.com/s.asp?u=568662009744
Please feel free to pass this information on to anyone you know that may be eligible. Thanks for your help and support!