Well, just got back from NYU's comprehensive pain program. A former colleague of mine got me an appointment with the director and a couple of interesting things happened. Firstly, I may be the proud owner of a hernia, ladies and gentlemen. Of course it's a provisional, rule-out diagnosis, but a promising one because you can do something about them!!!! I have two different pelvic pains, one cervical and the other one that may be a hernia or something else. He has referred me to a gyn out of NYU Med that specializes in pelvic pain and is (get this) IN MY PLAN!!!! yipee!! He'll examine me Tuesday, so we'll probably be peeling me off his ceiling at about 2:00 EST (Examinations hurt, you could say). I'll know more after that. Until then, he's given me meds that should manage pain episodes and maybe prevent bad ones from arising. let's hope!
Secondly, he asked me if I wanted a job! OH, My! That would have been nice! Had to call mom to talk me down. She got mad and said that she won't always be around to talk sence into me when I get these outrageous thoughts like commuting 98 miles to NYC while at the same time wanting to raise a 7-year old here in paradise. SIGH! It probably would be a little unrealistic. Even if it was part time. I just couldn't. But Oh My! The fantasy of it. It's like my original career goal (dream job, really) is at my fingertips right this minute and I have to turn it down. Nothing like a little distractor to make the pain less important lol!