So, thank you all for responding to my other question so quickly, and nicely! I do have a few more questions, and I figured it would be best to start a new thread for those who already read the old one and had no answers, but might be able to answer some things out of here.
My friend called the doctor today, and they said they can get her in Thursday. Is that normal when finding a lump?
Also, what can she do in the meantime to cut down on the pain she is having? She is real sore and it is not comfortable.
And Bev, you suggested maybe this is mearly fibrocystic breast changes. Thank you for that suggestion, and in some ways, yes, it does seem like it could be. Lets pray that it is. A few questions about that though...
On the one website I was at, it says to call your doctor when you find a new change or a new lump in your breast that has been presistant for 2 menstural cycles...uh, WHAT? Why would they suggest waiting that long?
And it also said that fibrocystic breast changes generally fluctuate with your menstural cycle. What exactly does that mean?
She found this massive lump yesterday, no, the day before, so Saturday and her period should come around the 23rd or so. Does that say anything?
I know I may be asking a lot here, I just want to try to understand things as best I can so I can educate and even comfort her on this. Waiting til Thursday is going to be hard. But yes, I told her lets not worry til there is something to worry about. She said Ok, but as we all know, that is easier said that done!
Again, I am jsut going to try my best to make her feel good until we go to the doctor on Thursday, which feels like FOREVER away! Ha ha ha.
ANyway, thank you all in advance for all the advice and kind works given to me!
I hope you guys don't mind me asking maybe a million questions between now and Thursday!