Hi everyone............so, I had my u/s earlier this week. The radiologist couldn't pick up the 6mm lump but found a 3mm one that he was chasing around, then lost. He said it was probably a lymph node. Since the u/s wasn't picking up the 6mm one (the 3mm was not shown on mammo), he examined my films and told me he thinks it's a lymph node as well. I have an appt w/ a breast specialist/surgeon next month. She actually ordered the u/s....when I called the office I talked to the nurse and sent them all my stuff, and she ordered one before seeing her, so I would have it done. I am supposed to call next week to get her take on the results. So...............that's 2 Radiologists that say wait and see 6 months to see if it changes. Don't know what the specialist will say next week, but I am definitely keepig my appt next month so I can meet w/ her. Any thoughts on all of this?? I know this was just my baseline and both these Radiologist were like ohhhhhh, it's SOOOOO teeny tiny. Oh, it's probably just a lymph node. Oh, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Do they understand that when they tell me this they are not even saying for sure?? Is this supposed to comfort me?? Sorry, just getting a little you-know-what. Any thoughts now would be great. Should I ask for an MRI???? I just get concerned because it's "kidney bean shaped".............ARGGGGGGH!!!!! You've all been great in the past, thank you in advance!
Take care,