jaclc said...
tigerfan, how are you? I hope all benign and you are well.
With my clustered microcalcifications, I removed all the calcification area (all the few dots) usingreotactic vacuum-assisted percutaneous breast biopsy with the Mammotome device as recommended. Histology of the mommotomy cores was reported low grade nuclear grade, micropapillary and cribiform carcinoma in situ..
That was about
same as mine. Did they just remove the calcifications? Did you have a course of radiation? With mine, I was recommended to remove the area followed by 6 wks of radiation. I opted for mastectomy and the pathology report of the breast removed that there were actually 3 lesions over 4 quadrants of my breast that was not seen on mammogram nor ultrasound.
Close monitoring as they always tell us. I wish you well and happiness.