Hi all!!
I'm the new kid on the block and wanted to share what has helped me with CFS. I live in UK and they are still further behind with understanding and treatment of CFS from my experience, so I've researched and tried things out myself! NADH is a supplement which helps the brain fog. It is best taken sublingually and half an hour before eating anything. I started taking 10mg a day and now I take only 5mg and I do find it helps with alertness. Malic acid combined with Magnesium is something I've started to take to deal with fatigue and muscle pains and aches. It can be purchased in tablet form and is called Magnesium Malate. Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid but isn't just as pleasant to take! The magnesium helps with sleep but also helps with muscle contractions. Malic acid is also meant to be good at treating heavy metal toxicity in the system. I take B vitamin complex to help the nervous system. I take Vitamin C as it is good at helping the immune system. There is a helpful article on-line which gives guidelines to recovery. It can be found on www.me-cfs-recovery.co.uk and can be downloaded for you to read at your own leisure. I have also experienced what seems to be similar to brain zaps and while that can occur when coming off medication, such is not the case with me. Again from research, I've discovered that Omega 3 can help reduce them.(Magnesium malate is supposed to aswell). All in all, I've noticed a great improvement in my condition....I still have a way to go though! I'm just glad that I can function semi-normally now!