before i am active & healthy except occassionaly back pain
at 34 yr old, i had a neck pain, headache & fatique, unable to sleep. i was diagnosed migraine by a neuro and take notriptyline and pain killer, forgotten what's the name, not a fan for pain killer. notriptylene help me with my headache but over time i develop unexplained muscle sore, shoulder pain, bone pain, gastric, palpitation, chest wall, ribs pain, swelling in finger and toes and more pain killer and anti inflamation drug.
and at one time (after 1 1/2 years) i ran out of notriptylene, my headache and neck pain is back, went to see the doctor and took and x-ray of my cervical spine and found it straithtening , then had mri, have a very poor memory now, my c2 or c3 is slightly pressing the spinal cord which cause the headache, shoulder/neck pain due to bone degeneration. i had more pain killer. i dislike pills. to prevent the pain , i kept my head straight up all the time, even quit my desk job. and keep stress away.
and then with all the symptoms still exist there come joint pain and hell all the test came back i am extremely healthy except my. vit D is low and the rheumotogist tell me is a sign of aging. Vit D-3 1000 help for a while.. then i decide to quit follow on check up with ortho/cardio, cause of finacial situation and took too many time off from work. it seems that i'm healthy, may be is all in my mind..well i feel well but not totally pain free, is manageble
an here i am 37yrs old now, lower back pain is killing me, test UTI Leukocyte +2 the rest is negative after medication, the pain is still there, can't help thinking is my Kidney. thirsty all the time, lowgrade fever, nausea, rib pain,back pain, palpitation. i don't trust the test any more, i can't take it if they saying i'm healthy. i will ask GP to do ultrasound to my kidney to see if it enlarge or stone or something tomorow. meanwhile any advice is appreciated.!