funny,but it is like reading exactly like these symptoms have a cause.
ive had MRI s and cystoscopy(never again and absolutely no more sex drive!)ive had epidurals
and am due another soon
i take codeine amytriptotine zopiclone fluoxetine tramadol and now gabapentin.
thats it it feels .like im about
to drop dead anytime soon.
the last cou0ple of months,i developed a twitch in my left eyelid,and didnt think too much about
it and,are happening during the day,and also
now im having these twich/tremors all over and just about
when falling to sleep,these are quite violent,on a few occassions,enough to throw me out my afraid to go to sleep its quite scarry,to be honest.
but these tremors or whatever to call them,during the day and especiallly in mmy arms and hands,where it feels like(weve all touched something electricamy doctor says it is l with wet hands?¬)an electric shock and really powerful,
my doc says it is syatica,but there must be more to it than that:where does the extreme fatigue come from?the stabbing sensatioin my right side of my stomach,no balance,blurring vision,and sound like a tap being turned on,or a hi pitch drone...allso afriend says my left pupil is
open very wide,compared to the other one.funny really that most of the aching/tremors/excruciating head and neck pain,are concentrated down my left side
some days i get stuck in weird positions
open mouthed,and so tense in the muscles it feels like something is going to SNAP!i really feel like im dragging a corpse around.i am so detached on some days,no concentration,no memory and the only times i get out is to pay bills and food,and walk my dog
im on ESA and am waiting on a date for an appeal,as i 'scored' no points.
im on my own,have no real contacs anymore,and im fairly scared as to what is happening to me.can people develop epilepsy,i thought that people were only born with it?
im so exhausted trying to chill the pain and fighting the tension and long story short,its all getting worse by the day
and need some sort of answer to 45 years old,done all the drugs n alchohol thing,and have had my fair share of knocks,and im not easily pained,but this,this is awesomely skilled at making me totally incapacitated,or passed out,for hours on end.
i dont drink now but smoke(only tobacco)fairly heavyly,but one thing i did want to mention was that these tremors started after using a TEMS machine,patches that vibrate with different intencities that you place on a pained area.
have i unwitingly switched something on in my nerves with this treatment?
well i hope someone can help me to understand why this is happeening,as im fast loosing the will to live with myself.
thanks for reading ok?
Post Edited (dandlion) : 3/3/2013 4:08:59 PM (GMT-7)