Posted 8/8/2014 11:51 AM (GMT 0)
Have you had FULL endocrinology work-ups? Not CBC - that's very superficial and shows very little. You have to have full profiles (called panels) done to see the source of some of these types of problems. They will read normal sometimes on a CBC and way out of wack on a panel - but that's much more expensive testing. I would insist on it, if I were you. Sounds to me it COULD BE thyroid or diabetes related. Neuropathy often diabetes related, rest of stuff often thyroid. I would be seeing specialists at this point. I would think you want to see a neurologist too for the foot sensation to make sure it's not a nerve conduction problem. Maybe they are unrelated symptoms, but are both sparked by over stimulation. All of my brothers have diabetes Types 1 or 2 and I have severe thyroid probs (Hashimoto's) Lots of other autoimmune diseases often develop if you have one - you have a higher probably of another.
Unless you think you are anxious or depressed, I would definitely do what I could to rule out anything physical, before I would accept a psychological diagnosis. If it is psychological, I would get treatment for the anxiety and/or depression (which I had once 30 years ago) and treatment was extremely effective (an anti depressant for about 6 months) some people aren't as lucky or responsive, but it can work this way.
The lesson I have learned is keep up your search. It took me 18 months once to confirm an ovarian tumor, for which my med notes said neurotic patient thinks she has an ovarian tumor, which was much worse by the time it was removed. It took me about 2 years to confirm a very rare cancer, which had to be double biopsied and sent to NIH for confirmation, which went undiagnosed by at least 15 doctors and then accidentally discovered through a biopsy looking for something else (22 docs in all to complete the process). My doc, who was excellent, said he didn't know what was wrong by he had never seen me so anxious in 20 years, thought it was work (overwork and stress) causing the problem, the cancer was diagnosed about 4 months later. --- All are being managed. I'm not tip-top - but feel a whole lot better.