Hi all,
I'm new to this forum, and I need help!! I normally post on the chronic pain board (severe chronic pain in my R eye due to nerve and tissue damage from a nasty injury 8 yrs ago). I've had significant fatigue issues for maybe 6 years. However, my fatigue suddenly began to worsen this past summer, and eventually reached the point where I basically could no longer function.
I actually HATE the word "fatigue," because fatigue doesn't even begin to describe the way I feel. When someone says fatigue, people just think "oh, you're just tired." No! That's not it at all. I feel like my body is shutting down and there is nothing that I can do to stop it. I feel like I have no control over my body. And it's really scary. The fatigue is so powerful that I cannot fight it. It gets to the point that I feel like I am going to pass out unless I go to sleep. And sometimes I feel like I can't even walk across a room because the lack of energy is so powerful that it feels like this great weight is crushing me. I also have horrible night sweats, but am always freezing.
I can sleep for an entire day, and yet when I wake up, I'm just as tired as I was before I slept. Sleep makes no difference in the way that I feel, yet I feel like I have to sleep all the time. Nothing helps. I feel lousy all the time. I deal with it the best that I can, but I feel like I'm fighting a battle just to get through each day.
I'm a third year veterinary student, and this intense fatigue is not conducive to me being able to function at the level demanded of me. Right now I feel like I couldn't hold any job, let alone finish veterinary school.
I was barely able to function this past semester. And it was so bad, that I've decided to take this semester off. Because there is no way that I could survive my clinical rotations like this. I have to get this fatigue under control!
In September I was tested for ehrlichia and lyme. My CBC and chem panel were normal, except for elevated liver enzymes due to the episode of viral hepatitis that I had. I did have elevated cortisol levels, which I've also had previously. But a previous dexamethasone suppression test was normal, and the elevated cortisol could simply be due to my uncontrolled chronic pain. My thyroid panel was normal, and I had a normal sed rate and ANA. And I was negative for hep B and C, as well as epstein barr and cytomegalovirus.
My doctors don't know what is going on. In fact, I feel like they've pretty much given up at this point. I don't know if what I have is chronic fatigue syndrome -- none of my docs have even mentioned it as a possibility. I think they just think that it is all from pain and depression because they've found no other answer. But I swear that there is something wrong! Sure, pain and depression contribute to fatigue. But there is no reason to explain why my fatigue suddenly got so much worse, when everything else has stayed the same.
I feel pretty hopeless. And if I don't get this fatigue under control within the next couple months, I may not be able to go back to veterinary school.
All I want is to be able to function like a normal human being! But this fatigue is making it next to impossible! I don't know what to do or where to go anymore. And so that is why I am reaching out for help! Any ideas that you all have would be much appreciated! Thanks.
Post Edited (skeye) : 2/6/2015 12:01:39 AM (GMT-7)