littlemama33 said...
I am really starting to understand this. It's true n as I said...I don't even get it so how could they. I just want to do my job, not be a job for someone close to me. It's that looking well sometimes that throws people off. Thanks for taking time to write me. I really appreciate it!!! I hope u are finding help for you on here.
I know. It's awful to be slowed down and feeling like crap, and it's devastating to feel like you are a burden. You're right, that when you look well, other people believe you're getting better. A few weeks ago, I attended a huge family gathering and I did my best to appear to be doing okay, for them, and it worked too well. They think I'm okay when I'm not, and I wish I had an answer for this. One really rough thing is, when you try to tell them you're still not okay, it can easily come off as you wanting to stay that way, even though no-one actually wants to be hindered in life.
I find a few people helpful around here, others not, and some just trying to be understanding. Finding solutions is hard, and going through with them can be even harder.