Posted 8/12/2016 4:07 PM (GMT 0)
You have just described me adrenal fatigue syndrome.
No matter how much you sleep, you don't feel well rested. This is a glandular issue. You probably also get brain fog, inability to focus, take longer to finish active critical thinking tasks like homework etc?, tired and prone to anxiousness, lower stress tolerance, inability to completely stay consistent long term..
if you have the above symptoms sounds like you may have adrenal fatigue and can fix in a short period of time.
The first thing your going to want to do is to see if supporting your adrenals glands will help in my opinion.
I would highly recommend taurine for adrenal support. Taurine helps adrenal fatigue and it's very cheap. It helps so many things I can't list them all but taurine helps with adrenal fatigue and it's symptoms. A few thousand mg a day may be good or 1000 a day to start.
The next two supplements would be holy basil as my favorite. This is used for adrenal fatigue and it's the best one in my opinion. Other herbs called adaptogens may be good as well but I would advise against using stimulatory herbs which can lead to a greater crash. Holy basil has a calming effect while helping adrenals which is needed in cases like adrenal fatigue syndrom.
The third you can take is several thousand miligrams of vitamin c.
Try this a week or two and see if you improve. If you improve, you can rule in adrenal fatigue.
I know these help me.