Hi, folks,
I'm curious what makes people's POTS flare up. I have been having the worst POTS day I have experienced, and I cannot figure out what I might have done differently that could have triggered it. I would appreciate hearing what causes especially bad POTS days or episodes, in your experience. Also any quick fixes, of course, if anyone has those.
And please ease my mind a bit - the danger of POTS is just the troublesome fainting and disabling nature of it, right? I don't need to be worried about
something more serious happening to me, or about
the POTS causing damage?
For what it's worth, I have underlying infections that I am treating, and when those are in decent shape I don't have POTS symptoms, and therefore am not on any medications specifically for POTS.
Sara (Lyme, POTS, ME, HPA axis dysfunction....)