My sister has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She was 13 when she was first diagnosed with it and she will be fifteen this december. She is still suffering quite severely although she is doing really well, it is effecting almost everything she wants to do. I know that in school, her friends don't understand and they are really nasty to her saying it's all in the mind, but as we know it isn't. It's more than that and to see her upset about it is heart melting. I try to understand but i don't really know what i can do. If anyone can explain to me more and help me out please do!
I don't know how to help her. I don't even really understand what it is about. I know the syptoms, but can't understand really the rest of it. I really want to get to know the illness a bit more, and find out what will effect her in a good way and help her build back up her confidence. How can I get everyone to know that it isn't all in the mind?
From Yvee x