I have been sick for one year. I have had a lot of the symptoms of CFS- sore throats, headaches, muscle aches, dizziness, anxiety, panic attacks,dark circles under eyes, jaw pain,ear pain, and many more. For the last few months all of that stopped except for the occasional dizzy spell, fatigue has never been my main symptom- I sleep 8 hours per night that is it. So while most symptoms have gone I still feel so ill and horrible. I have most things under control- I can do alot, but I still have this horrible ickkkkk feeling in my body. Lately I have had clammy hands and feet. What could this be. I have been tested for everything and all is negative. I don't think it could be Lyme because I would not be getting better w/o treatment. I have had severe, horrible symptoms. Now it is mostly the ick feeling and muscle pain. What is it????? Can anyone relate?? I have also lost 13 pounds- I was thin to begin with. I just feel like it would be better to be dead then feel this way- I am not suicidal, I am just trying to make a point of how gross I feel. Is this CFS or did my doctors miss something?