Hello! I am new to this web site. I read about it in the local paper.
I had CFS for 10 years. Had all the systems and was tested to the point of what do we do now? The doctors finially told me I would have to cope and cope I did.
One day I was watching a program on tv about a treatment they were giving to others who had CFS. They were putting the people into a hot tub and running their body tems up to 102 degrees and letting them stay in there for 15 minitues and not more. They did this 3 times and found that they got good results.
I had noticed that I never ran a high fever and every time the bad spells would come, I would chill but there again I did not run a high fever. I noticed that when not chilling my body temp was lower than normal. I had just chulked this up to part of the CFS.
After much consideration I decided to see if I could help myself. I did not have a hot tub but a regular tub. I assembled a heavy large towel to drap over me, a mouth thermomiter to keep in my mouth, a cooking thermomiter to clip on the towel to know what the water temp was and full glass fo water to drink if I had too, set next to the tub. I set the water to a warm bath and started a constant running of the hotter water to try and keep the water hot. my aim was to get my temp up to the 102 degree and stay in the tub for the 15 minutes. I put the mouth thermomiter in my mouth and the cooking thermomiter clipped on the edge of the towel I drapped across me to keep me wet, warm and coverd as much as possible. It took me a long time, over an hour and kept upping the water temp as hot as I could stand but not to scald me. I have very senitive skin so I had to watch not to get too hot. I only got my temp up to 101.
I must warn you that if you try this do not do this alone as I found myself getting very weak, shaky, and nasiated at times and had to drink some of the water. It was not fun and got very uncomfortable at times, but hung in there as long as I could. Have someone there with you and to help watch your progress and keep an eye on you the whole time. It took me over an hour to raise my temp to 101 and I did not think I could go the 102 so settled with the 101 and timed the 15 minutes I was at the 101 temp. I could stand no more and had my husband help me out of the tub and up to bed. I did this treatment again about a few weeks later.
That was 10 years ago and I have not had any returns of my CFS. I have noticed I had nerve damage and the short term memory I suffered with took a long time to return and never to a full degree. the doctor has told me I am just as smart as anyone else but have to wait a extra sec. or so it takes my time my brain to processes the information. I just take my time when I answer anyone and no one can tell. When i got to work I made myself a book of instructions to refer back to when I forgot and it worked good for me.
I now feel so good and have gotten on with my life. I felt I had to take matters into my own hands to get myself into remission.
Hope this helps someone else. My doctor was amazed at how well I have done so far. He also was amazed that I took matters into my own hands to help myself.
I am sorry for the misspelled words but could not find spellcheck on here.. . . foreverEmily1