Hi everyone, I am new to the forum.
I was dx'd with fibro and Rhuematoid arthritis about a year and a half ago. Also found out a few months later that I also have Celiac disease.
Don't know whay, even the DR's can't tell me why, but I can't tolerate any of the standard meds. Makes everything worse. So, I am having to deal with everything through diet and vitamins, herbs, and minerals.
The question I have is that I am still dealing with dizzy spells, fatigue doing even the simplest of things. There are times I will be doing something and all of a sudden it feels like I have opened a drain spigot. I litterally can feel my energy draining, kind of like the sand draining out of an hourglass. No sex drive at all, nil, nada,
I have had my thyroid checked, dr says ok. Trying to exercise makes everything worse. I am just at the end of my rope. My rehuemy keeps telling me it's the fibro. I have no insurance, my boyfriend is at the point he's about to walk. I'm just having a rough spell.
Any help, suggestions of any kind would be real helpful.