ReadDeeply, It is nice to meet you. I come here & see if anyone has posted about CFS, every so often, and reply as I have the energy. I hope you do not have CFS because there is no cure & I find it hard to have any kind of a life beyond my home. CFS is dx'd in the same way as Fibro, thru elimination of all other possibilities. You should definitely check out the possible Lupus, I thought I might have it but I didn't, it was the CFS & Fibro. I was dx'd with Fibro first & then my Rhuemy dx'd me with CFS as well. I found that the Center for Disease Control web site: is full of good, up to date info on CFS.
Just like you, my main complaint is overwhelming fatigue & low quality of life. I have had to cancel or postpone many plans made with others. Now most people know I probably can't make it, so no longer ask. In some ways, that's better, as I no longer have to break dates & such but now I feel more isolated from my old life. I have found that I can have a new life & a different life but I do miss my old life. Some of my old friends have stuck by me & my daughter now lives with me so I am okay.
Remember, you didn't ask to be ill, your children will understand that. We can all pack around tons of guilt because of how our illnesses affect our lives with others but it does us no good. All it causes is stress & that can land us in bed for sure. A peaceful, calm life is best for Fibro & for any other illness you may have. Take care of yourself.
I have often hoped to speak with others here about CFS & hope you will stick around & keep me posted about your appointments & dx's. I, also, hope you find the answers you are looking for.
Hugs, Denise