Hi UKgirl, my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry you feel so bad. I know exactly how you feel, I wish I had the energy to be out with friends or go shopping or go hiking like I used to but I just don't have it in me. I, too, live like a hermit in my home, in my bathrobe & pajamas, lol!
Do you take an anti-depressant? If you don't, it may be something to talk to your Dr about. You may need something to help you through this. It is like a mourning, moving through these feelings & coming to terms with having an illness can be painful & hard. I have finally made peace with my illness & quit fighting it. It is what it is!!
CFS is not understood by Dr's, probably because there is nothing they can do about it. My Dr treats my symptoms to make my life more comfortable but beyond that I am on my own. I know there is research being done so we have hope.
Let us know how you are doing. Talking, venting, ranting, crying all help so feel free because we will listen.
Many soft hugs, Denise