I was dx'd in 1975 with Fibrocitis which is now called Fibromyalgia, a year later I was dx'd with CFS and went years and years without much of anything for relief of either.
For approx. 4 yrs. I have been taking Armour Thyroid because testing showed Thyroid nodules. Blood tests came out fine but doc went the entire route with Thryoid scan and thats when it showed up. I can say it helped but a very small degree. For the Fibro Im on "many" meds.
Just last Dec. my primary wanted me to try Provigil since he claims they were having great success with it helping CFS - I started on one Provigil per day at 200 mg. with again a small degree of getting some energy back "along with" the Armour Thyroid.
Now my doc wants me to up the Provigil to twice a day which anyone taking this drug knows it sure isnt inexpensive.
My question -- is anyone taking the 400 mg. ( twice a day ) and seeing a "big" improvement over the starting of 200 mg. per day ?
Ive tried to research and not finding enough info to make up my mind and spend big bucks.