Hi there! I'm new to this board as I'm usually on the Lyme board. But I had my EBV retested and was wondering if I could have help interpreting the results. My old results from 2009 must have been tested with different parameters-- here are those results:
EBV-VCA IgG 4.42 ( anything over >1.10 is positive)
EBV-VCA IgM 0.46 (< or = 0.90 negative)
Also was tested for CMV:
CMV- IgG 3.89 (over 1.10 is positive)
CMV-IgM 0.25 (< or = 0.90 negative)
My results from last week have completely different testing parameters so I am wondering how to compare them and what my new ones mean.
EBV-VCA IgM <36.0 U/ml range 0.0-35.9 U/ml (negative)
EBVE 29.1 U/ml range 0.0-8.89 U/ml (positive)
EBV-VCA IgG 99.7 U/ml range 0.0-17.9 U/ml (positive)
EBV Nuclear Ag 270.0 U/ml range 0.0-17.79 U/ml (positive)
Thanks in advance for any insight you might have. I should note that my doctor said "everything was normal"