Hey Stella just wanted to say with respect to ladybugdreams. It is absolutely false that there is no cure for it. Yes I understand the magnitude of that statement and the weight it carries. A bit of a double edged sword here... yes there is no cure for cfs in the cfs/me does not define the problem. You cannot solve an equation of you do not know the problem. The body never just decides to quit functioning properly outside of dna disease. So yes cfs is real but can be caused by ... to start with lymes, Candida, heavy metals, sibo, parasites, latent viruses, latent bacteria ig streph (pandas) root canals done the triational way, Mercury fillings. To just name a few these burden the body and slow down important metabolic and biological processes in the body thus impeding ultimately energy production.
So to say there is no cure is correct in your problem isn’t defined, a medical doctor ran test couldn’t find anything and gave you “chronic fatuigue syndrome” because they are out of answers (none of which the issues listed above can be tested for in a conventional doctors office) To say there is no cure for the way you feel is unbelievably irresponsible and haphazard. I have known and read countless litterly countless success stories and I and one of them (not out of the woods yet but much better) if you have any questions feel free
Stella Maris said...
Thank you , Denise! Unfortunately at this point I am almost bedridden, sleep most of the day, or am on the couch. I can't think or concentrate well. But I have 3 young children, so you see, any improvement is important I find, or I'm not sure what will happen to my children. Thank you for your comments, what you say is very true! I am so sorry you have this also, but it looks like you have learned how to manage it better than I! God bless you! Stella Maris